Moms Network

by pradeepthivk on Nov 1, 2022

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What is the best homemade mothers day present you've ever given?

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answered 31 days ago

Flower Bookey with special love card❤️

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answered 30 days ago

Cards, photo frame, crochet bag, something that she likes to eat, chocolates

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Eating Disordersanswered 29 days ago

A personalized photo album filled with cherished memories & a beautiful greeting card.✨😘

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answered 28 days ago

the best homemade Mother’s Day gift I’ve ever given was to respect her and do what I could to make her happy and comfortable the other 364 days.

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Hsjshhssgjs agahha
From an astrological standpoint, the focus is on the compatibility pf horoscopes rather than endorsing or prohibiting specific relationships. But, astrology does not exist in vacuum amd must be understood within the context of societal, ethical and legal norms. It is prohibited due to moral, ethical and genetic reasons.
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My grandmother always tells me to tie a rakhi to my brother because she says he protects me. However, I feel that my sister looks out for me more than he does. Is it possible to tie a rakhi to my sister instead?
Yes, of course, your sister can tie Rakhi, as Rakhi is a symbol of love, connection. wanting to be there and protect each other.
If you prefer to consider astrological timing, consulting an astrologer for an auspicious time can be a way to ensure the positive energy associated with the rituals is maintained.
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Okay, so Rakhi is coming up, and I have a question. Can you tie a rakhi on literally anyone's wrist? Like, what's the deal with who can and can't get a rakhi? My friend said something about it being for brothers, but is that a super strict rule, or can you tie one on someone else's wrist too?
The word “Rakhi” does not have a full form as it is not acronym. Raksha means protection Bandhan means bond or tie
The Word “Rakhi” does not have a full form as it is not an acronym. Raksha - means protection Bandhan means bond or tie
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Have you ever felt the feeling to hurt someone. I have many times. Few days back only I did a mischievous thing. I don't like my neighbors that much. so one day I saw their doormat outside their house and decided to keep it two floors above their. I also put a kundi on their door from outside. But that day i dont know what happended. i went home and put lots of chillies in my food and ate it telling myslef that what i did was wrong. Is it common to have thoughts of hurting myself or others?
It's "Live and let others live". Hope you're not caught on Cctv doing silly things 😅 Or maybe neighbours are very annoying and you try to pull his nerves, Although it's mal-intent and they can file complaint or they can consider it as Masti and let go! Hurting yourself or others "without a cause" can be a mental issue. Talk with a therapist on coto!
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hii there is no difference between it. they usually mean the same thing. It's when a couple decides to live together in the same place, sharing their lives and responsibilities. So, in short, there isn't really a difference between the two terms. It's all about building a life together! 🏠💑
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ابحث عن عمل من المنزل اونلاين بدون تسويق هل يوجد من يساعدنى ؟☺️
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I'm so eager to celebrate this mother's day with my mother. I'm all done with my surprises , everything is planned. Now I want to write down something special and in the starting I want to mention any quote. What is the best quote for mother?
A mother is a child's first friend.
One of the best quotes for mothers is: "A mother's love knows no bounds."💯❣️
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My daughter in law became a mom last year. Should I send her a mother's day card? Will she like it?
I would like to inform you to all the female that here we are hiring females for work from home opportunity. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521.
Yes. you can do it. It will definitely make her feel happy as well as special since she is a new mom.
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Hi girls, I am Rachael from USA. As you all know Mother's Day is around the corner. I wanted to gift something special to my mom, something that is different and she likes it. What is the best mother's day gift one can get for under $50?
Hey Rachael! How about a personalized photo album or a spa gift set? Both are thoughtful and can be found within your budget.👍
hi dear if u do accept or not I don't know all these are small infront of her and u should come and wish her it's the best my knowledge rather those
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I'm the youngest one in the family. My mother is kinda old and there hasn't been any kind of celebration on mother's day. Please tell me, What are some best Mother's Day gift ideas for older mothers?
Since your mother is older and there hasn't been much celebration for Mother's Day in the past, consider giving her a gift that focuses on relaxation and comfort. You could arrange for a spa day or massage session to help her unwind and rejuvenate. Another idea is to create a personalized photo album or scrapbook filled with cherished memories and moments shared with her. Additionally, a heartfelt handwritten letter expressing your love and appreciation for her would be a meaningful and touching gesture.
You can give her sarees or flowers or a bag which she chosses

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Hello, I am Dr Major Navjeet P Kaur (Retd.). Passionate about transforming lives, I have helped hundreds of women to overcome phobias, anxiety, pain, and depression. My journey into the depths of human nature led me to uncover the profound connection between inherent traits and life's experiences. Retired Indian Army officer with a decorated 10-year medical career, honored for exceptional service. Holding a Ph.D. in Psychology, I have published extensively in international journals. Observing the prevalence of mental health issues among soldiers, I dedicated myself to breaking the stigma and providing support through Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). I am also a certified Tarot reader, Advanced Numerologist, Crystal healer, and LOA therapist, Reiki healer, I offer unique insights into the forces shaping our destinies. My mission is to spread happiness and aid those who suffer in silence, offering them a path to healing and self-discovery. 🌟🦋more

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