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Happy Hearts & Souls

by Vanita Keswani on Feb 14, 2023

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I am Vanita Keswani. Being a CEO in the advertising industry, I have found my soul purpose in healing and transformation of others as my passion area. After 27 years of a love marriage, I took a bold step of moving out of the relationship not only because of negativity, but to fulfil a deeper purpose in my life…. To heal and transform others. I am honored to be an advanced student of world renowned Healer, Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha, who teaches us - “The purpose of life is to serve.” Women juggle with so much in their lives; I would love to help connect them to their true inner being, their soul, and lead them to inner happiness. I can lead women to bring out their soul potential and heal all aspects of life - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual as well as relationships and finances. Relationships is something that is closer to my heart as I have experienced it myself. Honored to serve ❤️

❤️ Relationship
Family Issues

Who are you ? Are you the person you are ? Your physical entity ? Or are you an eternal being ? Would you like to connect with that inner core being ?

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Eating Disordersanswered 45 days ago

It's something very deep, need to think about it seriously

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answered 44 days ago

Wow. I didn't think about this way. Will ponder over it.

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New Mothersanswered 39 days ago

We are all eternal beings just in different phases of awareness.

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Hello , So when you feel urges that don’t match your morals , it’s like a battle between what you believe is right and what you want . In psychological terms we also call this as fight between ego and superego of our inner body . Try to think differently about the situation, focusing on what’s important to you , this might help you make choices that feel better in long run .
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Yes , it’s is normal . Many of us do that at some point of time in our lives .
yes it's always normal... and a valid question!
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It's "Live and let others live". Hope you're not caught on Cctv doing silly things 😅 Or maybe neighbours are very annoying and you try to pull his nerves, Although it's mal-intent and they can file complaint or they can consider it as Masti and let go! Hurting yourself or others "without a cause" can be a mental issue. Talk with a therapist on coto!
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Hello , It is completely normal to feel this way but if it’s causing a lot of distress within you please seek support from psychologist, you can reach out to me as well I am a clinical psychologist 🌸
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hi Anonymous the topic of death is trigger that's creating discomfort.. have you list anyone near and dear to you... or any childhood memory of witnessing someone s death.. Such incidents often times leave an imprint on our mind. and when there's a trigger that result s in resurfacing those memories you tend to experience the same emotion which you would have in the past when the actual incident happened. it's all about our brain and it's wiring system...
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Hello , There’s no such thing as being open book always with your friends, it is completely normal to have secrets which you dont feel like sharing, as it’s not harming anyone there’s nothing to be worried about .
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Hello , Sometimes we have connections with people but not that deep bond where we can call them “ MY PEOPLE “ . Sometimes we have thoughts which feel very unique to us as if these thoughts are not ours , most of us face this but if the thought is repetitively coming in your mind and causing distress to you . Please seek professional help 🌸
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I hate to admit it, but sometimes I secretly feel happy when friends or family struggle. It's awful, I know! But why do I feel this way? How do I stop myself from being so resentful of the people I care about? Maybe I can send them good vibes instead?
Hello , It could be due to some hidden trauma which even you might not be aware about . Would suggest you to seek therapy we have good psychologists on coto app , you can connect with me as well i am a clinical psychologist.
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Please give some strategies for coping with triggers in a healthy way.🙏🏻
Hello, Sometimes triggers are present in your close environment which can’t be changed. Triggers could be in the form of situations or people. Sometimes we can’t change that but what we can do is work on the beliefs and thoughts associated with those triggers. These beliefs are usually called as irrational beliefs so converting them into healthy rational beliefs could be very beneficial. We can work on your beliefs and thoughts, for that you can contact me . Additionally, you can even engage in self care activities and establish healthy boundaries to reduce vulnerability to triggers in future.
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I don't think Bible directly talk about living together. but it basically Focuses on commitment and staying faithful.
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