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Women's Health Conversation

by Rashmi Putcha on Nov 16, 2022

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A comfortable space for your uncomfortable conversations on women's health.

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Here are some Instagram pages/ resources for your daily dose of secs Ed! 🌸 1. @Team coto 2. @dr_cuterus 3. @tabbootalks__ 4. @gayatrisa 5. @zexedbydivisha Find the most relevant info from the best educators! 🌻

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New Mothers・answered 58Β days ago

Great list. Thabks for sharing.

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What is the most memorable lesson you've learned from your mother?
Patience.....Yes I am well experienced in that. 25 Years of her experience made me to message you now.
Finally got something where i can express my inner feelings... The lesson which i learnt from my mother is to be strong in any situation in life.. She is the most strongest person i have seen ever.
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Hi everyone. I am a french B2 delf certified online tutor. I have two years of experience in online teaching. I am a freelancer, looking forward to explore more options in this field. Can anyone pls guide me.TIA
sure thank you
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Hello, I can understand that there are times when you feel so irritated with the people around you, and it does feel very difficult to deal with the situation. Always remember that you have to protect your own peace, and that's the only thing that matters. So try to move away from such situations in any way possible.
Set boundaries for yourself and do not allow anyone to enter into your mental space
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So first of all believe in yourself. don't losse hope. keep working hard. believe in God
Hey. First off we shouldn't let the challenges get in our way of success. They're just a path no the destination. To crush them one should be brave and at all times vigilant about new opportunities.
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Lakukan olahraga secara teratur untuk membakar kalori dan mempertahankan massa otot.
Minum air secukupnya sepanjang hari, terutama sebelum makan, untuk membantu mengurangi nafsu makan.
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Yg pasti harus belajar rajin, pertahankan nilai2 bagus! Krn biasanya syaratnya adalah kamu jd top student
Luck menurutku juga berpengaruh, dan luck itu datang dari keberanian dalam mengambil peluang2
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Bagaimana cara mendapatkan teman sefrekuensi?
Cari komunitas yang seru, ikutan kegiatan yang kamu suka, dan jangan ragu buat kenalan baru!
Cari aja temen yang vibe-nya sama, sering ketemu di kegiatan atau lingkungan yang sama, trus ngebaur bareng.
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Apa tips bagi mereka yang susah melakukan olahraga?
mungkin coba cari olahraga yang lebih santai dan nyaman buat kamu. cobain pilates deh, ini nggak terlalu keras tapi tetap bikin tubuh sehat dan bugar. yang penting, dengarin juga tubuh kamu sendiri dan jangan maksa diri kalau nggak nyaman, ya!
Coba cari aktivitas yang kamu suka dan bikin enjoy! Misalnya, jalan santai, dansa, atau berenang. Yang penting tetep aktif, gak harus gym kok!
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I, you, we, they menggunakan "am/are" saat diikuti oleh kata sifat dan kata kerja berakhiran -ing, serta "do" saat diikuti oleh kata kerja. Sedangkan he, she, it menggunakan "is" saat diikuti oleh kata sifat dan "does" saat diikuti oleh kata kerja.
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Hi! I'm Suma. I have started pre school, I want to increase the admission numbers, we have taken all the measure to advertise . Pls advise.
congratulations suma, suggestions ahead 1) paper & digital posters to be spread. 2) Have basic ads running on FB and Insta 3) start off with good deals on summer camp providing interesting activities with an attractive budget to gain audience. Gradually might increase numbers through your 1st batch
Post on social media, organize events, spread word of mouth through people you know.

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I am a psychic & a clairvoyant with an experience of over 15 yrs. I founded a unique holistic & metaphysical space TOM - Temple Of Miracles in mumbai that has served over 10000+ clients and has been awarded 5 times. we cater to the spiritual & mental health with our budget friendly & authentic wellness products & one to one healing & holistic therapies. I have recently co - founded our ecom site TOH - Temple of HOPE that caters to spiritual & wellness health for everyone in & outside mumbai all at your fingertips. I always dreamt of being a part of a harry potter school where magic and miracles happen everyday not knowing that I would be the one to create something like it. TOM(Temple of Miracles) is a metaphysical space that provides a safe and a healing environment for everyone who wishes to discover themselves and take a break from the hustle bustle of life . We come with no judgement and a solution to your every problem. In my free time I love to travel and discover new cultures, listen to music, dance and socialise. I am also a big foodie and love to experiment with different cusines (just like i experiment with different magical tools that will satisfy your spiritual hunger) I want to aim to help everyone balance their lives through meditation and use spirituality and magic as a part of their daily lives, introducing them to easy yet highly effective tools & products.more

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