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by theintrovertgirl on Nov 16, 2022

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FITNESS & NUTRITION complement each other. To lead a healthy life it's important to take care of both these aspects. While Fitness is all about staying active, Nutrition is about what you eat, when you eat and how you eat.I intend to spread awareness and share with this community all that i have learnt over the years as a Fitness Coach and help people stay fit and healthy.

⏲️ Fitness

What are some healthy snacks and meals I can prepare for myself that are quick and easy, especially with a busy schedule filled with college and extracurricular activities ?

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New Mothersanswered 37 days ago

In Snacks, you can try Hummus and vegetable sticks (carrots, cucumber, bell peppers) Greek yogurt with honey and mixed berries Popcorn (air-popped or lightly seasoned) Apple slices with peanut butter Cheese and whole grain crackers Trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits Rice cakes with avocado and sliced tomato Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks Hard-boiled eggs Sliced fruit with a sprinkle of Tajin seasoning

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New Mothersanswered 37 days ago

Meals: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette Stir-fried veggies with tofu or chicken over brown rice Quesadillas with cheese, black beans, and sautéed peppers Veggie omelette with whole grain toast Pasta primavera with a variety of seasonal vegetables Quinoa bowl with roasted vegetables, chickpeas, and tahini dressing

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New Mothersanswered 35 days ago

Snadwiches 🥪 Fried rice 🍚 soups 🍲

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answered 35 days ago

wheat pasta 🍝 poha paneer

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New Mothersanswered 25 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are a few healthy snacks and meals options for you - For snacks- - Moong chilla/besan oats chilla - Poha with veggies - Oats upma with veggies - Open vegetable toast - Roasted makhana bhel - Kurmura bhel - Poha/kurmura chivda - Fruit yogurt - Fruit smoothies - Mini wheat pancakes - Roasted makhanas and roasted nuts mix - Dates laddoo/Coconut laddoo Meals- - Roti roll(it can be prepared with leftover sabzi) - Roti pizza ( add paneer on top and little cheese) - Vegetable sandwich ( paneer, chicken can be added) - Fried rice - Curd rice - Dal khichdi - Moong khichdi - Vegetable paratha - Wholewheat pasta with veggies - Sauteed veggies, and grilled paneer/chicken I hope this helps, Take care ✨

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Can you provide guidance on nutritional needs during key life stages for women, such as pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum, focusing on optimal nourishment for both maternal and fetal health?
Hi there yes I can guide you on every stage,let me know more about . For one on one consultation you can connect with me 😀
Hi there, I hope you are well. Before and during conception nutrients like Iron, Folate, Vitamin A, Iodine, Calcium, Vitamin B12, and Protein are of prime importance. - Iron is necessary to avoid anemia, as to support the increased blood requirement in the body. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, dates, beans, amaranth, ragi are good sources of the same. - Folate- Folate is necessary to avoid neural tube defects in the fetus, and to support growth of the body. Leafy green, beans, lentils, nuts are good sources of the same. - Calcium- Calcium requirements increase as your bones are supporting a pregnancy ( especially the back and pelvis). Dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, fish, leafy greens are good sources. Even fortified foods. -Vitamin D- Sunlight is the primary source. However, eggs, fish, nuts, fortified foods are some good sources of the same.Vitamin D is needed for absorption of Calcium, for immunity, bone strength, etc.
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Based on my dietary habits and goals, what are some tailored nutrition strategies to support bone health, especially considering the risk of osteoporosis later in life?
Hi there, I hope you are well. The risk of osteoporosis increases due to drop in Estrogen. Tips to support bone health- - Include calcium rich foods to the diet. Dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods, ragi, almonds, figs, chickpeas, black sesame seeds, etc. - Ensure to get enough Vitamin D because without it the calcium you eat won't get absorbed in the body. Get enough sunlight for at least 10-15mins daily. Include foods like lean meat ( fish, chicken), eggs, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, dairy products ( fortified with Vitamin D), etc. - For better bone health nutrients like Zinc, and magnesium are important as well. Nuts, seeds, dark chocolate ( once in 3-4 days), avocado, banana, leafy greens ,lean meat, beans, and dairy are good sources of the same. - Include weight training to improve bone density & strength. - Take supplements only if suggested by the doc. - Too much salt, caffeine, alcohol,soda, and red meat isn't great for bones. Take care
To support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, focus on consuming calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Ensure an adequate intake of vitamin D through sources like sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods. Incorporate magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they can affect bone health. Regular weight-bearing exercise also helps strengthen bones.
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I love playing sports but sometimes struggle with energy levels. Can you suggest a pre-game meal or snack that can boost my performance?
You can have energy drinks though I don't know much about it 😷
Hey there may I know what kind of sport you play ? High energy sports needs more energy to play if that is your concern,you have to manage your carbs level in your body and after sport protein and electrolytes levels To know more on it you can book one on one consultation with me 😄
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I’m training for a marathon and want to optimize my nutrition for performance. What should my pre-race and post-race meals look like
Pre-race Eat a balanced meal rich in complex carbs, moderate in protein, and low in fat 2-3 hours before the race. Think oatmeal with fruit and nuts, or a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Post-race Aim for a combination of protein and carbs to aid in recovery. Options include a turkey wrap with veggies, a smoothie with protein powder and fruit, or grilled chicken with sweet potatoes and greens.
Post-race meals are crucial for recovery and should include a mix of protein and carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and repair muscles. Good options are a protein smoothie with fruits, grilled salmon with quinoa and vegetables, or a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Hydration is also key, so don't forget to drink plenty of water.
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I recently joined a gym and I didn't go because I couldn't manage my college and gym 😔 college is draining me physically and mentally that I cannot complete any task after returning home and I start feeling guilty to eat food. any tips?
i think you should try practising from small steps at first. Dont try to do everything all at once as it can be burdening. For ex you can start with a light workout in your home only
Prioritize self-care. Start with small, manageable workouts and gradually increase intensity. Schedule gym time around college to avoid burnout. Remember, progress takes time, so be patient with yourself.
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How can I improve my eating habits to support my fitness goals?
1. Prioritize lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, tofu, and beans, to support muscle growth and repair. 2. Incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 3. Opt for complex carbohydrates like quinoa, sweet potatoes, and whole grains to sustain energy levels during workouts and promote overall health. Follow my communityPCOS SQUAD for more better insight and connect with me on live on @Nutritionistshivangibajpai
Eat healthy food such as vegetables and fruits. Drink water. Exercise
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Olahraga penting bgt. Olahraga ringan aja tiap hari 💪🏽
Kalo aku sih banyakin makan buah + sayuran + protein. Jgn terlalu ekstrem kurangin karbo ya! Pelan2 aja dulu step by step ✨
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Bagaimana caranya agar konsisten menjalani diet?
Atur tujuan yang jelas. Rencanakan makanan dengan baik. Persiapkan makanan sebelumnya. Pantau asupan makanan. Fleksibel dalam pilihan makanan. Cari dukungan dari orang terdekat. Lihat diet sebagai gaya hidup.
Tentukan tujuan, rencanakan makanan, siapkan makanan di awal minggu, catat asupan, tetap fleksibel, cari dukungan, dan fokus pada perubahan gaya hidup.

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