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Girls with anxiety

by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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New month, New check in What goal you wish to complete for month of April?

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Eating Disordersanswered 58 days ago

Weight loss for sure!!

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answered 58 days ago

My CAT preparation ofc.

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New Mothersanswered 57 days ago

Exercising daily

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How l loss my weight
Aloe c+9 challenge. it's the best
Have you tried Aloe Vera gel. DM for more information
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how to weight loss
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you are looking to lose weight, then, here are some tips that you can follow. 1) Include enough fibre in the diet. Fibre can help with weight loss and in keeping you full for a longer duration, eventually you are less likely to overeat. 2) Protein is necessary for muscle building and for burning calories. Beans, lentils, sprouts, nuts, seeds, lean meat, dairy products are good sources. 3) Add omega 3 fatty acids such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, olive oil, to the diet to help with weight loss and satiety. 4) Consume enough fruits and vegetables in the diet. 5) Drink 8-10 glasses of water on a regular basis. 6) Workout for at least 4-5 times a week for 30-45mins to lose weight. 7) Sleep for 7-8hrs on a regular basis. 8) Avoid processed, packaged, refined foods in the diet. 9) Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. 10)Maintain portion control and consume everything in moderation. I hope this helps ✨ Take care.
change your diet or daily routine
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Hey there iam 37, mother of a toddler, on career break for now . iam working out so far for four months now and lost almost 8-9kg so far but now my body is not loosing weight as it used to , iam on low calorie diet and doing high intensity workout 5-6days a week three weeks now . iam stuck at 66.5 since two weeks. please suggest something.i want to go below 60, and it's my only chance , I have two months to loose this weight. please suggest something to increase my meta#healthcoachingwithranaolism. #healthytipsforhealth #healthcoachingwi#fitnesswithsuchihr#fitspona #healthcoach # #
Hi there, I hope you are doing well. What I can see from your question is that you are on a low calorie diet, and you've been working out frequently, and you've given yourself a total of 6 months to lose weight. Few things that I'd like to point out- - We need to look at weight loss as opting to live a healthier lifestyle, it needs to become a part of our lifestyle. Healthy eating and exercise cannot be a short-term goals, because the moment you go back to your normal lifestyle, chances of gaining that weight back is high. - A low-calorie diet can be detrimental in the long run, and your body is likely to resist further weight loss. Calorie deficit is needed when we need to lose weight but extremely low calorie diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies, and hinder weight loss. Hence, I'd suggest you to eat a balanced diet with enough fibre, protein, and good fats. - Also, don't just focus on the scale, if you feel energetic and are able to fit in to your old clothes, it's positive.
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Looking to shed some pounds? Share your best weight management tips!
Hi there, I hope you are well. Since, you are looking to shed some pounds, here's what you can do. 1) Calorie deficit- Calorie Deficit means eating fewer calories than what you burn on a daily basis. A calorie deficit of 500 is considered to be ideal, so if you are eating a 2000kcal diet, you need to burn 2500kcals on a daily basis to achieve the same. 2) Incorporating enough fibre and protein in the diet shall help as fibre helps in keeping you full for longer, so foods like wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts, seeds can come handy. Protein on the other hand is required for balancing blood sugar levels, it can reduce cravings, provide a feeling of fullness, and nourish your body, overall. Beans, lean meat, dairy and dairy products, nuts, seeds, sprouts, lentils, are good options. - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. - Have omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, avocado, nuts, seeds, fatty fish for satiety. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed, and refined foods. Take care✨
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I've heard about tracking steps for fitness, but how do I actually make it fun and not just another chore? Any cool apps or gadgets you recommend that won't break the bank ?
For those interested in more comprehensive fitness tracking, devices like FitBit Flex and Jawbone UP combine wristbands with mobile apps to track heart rate, activity, sleep patterns, and even food intake.
For smartphone users, Google Fit, Samsung Health, and the 3DTriSport pedometer are popular choices. Google Fit and Samsung Health offer step tracking, cycling tracking, and other fitness features, while the 3DTriSport pedometer provides accurate step tracking.
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how can loose weight
Weight loss is a combination of 6 pillars ( holistic approach) Fitness - strength , mobility, cardio combined Food - eat to energise your body & eat when hungry, eat intuitively , slow down eat consciously, enjoy every mouthful, stop eating when you think you are full Sleep- crucial step and underrated Self love - exercise and eat healthy cz you love your body and not cz you want to punish it Gratitude for your body and functions and systems Let go of negative self talk and limiting beliefs
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kya hum period ke time gym main weight training kar sakte hai?
Yes, you can! As long as you are up for it, there is no reason to stop your daily routines.
Yea, obviously. You can do every day thing
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Bagaimana cara olahraga yang baik dan benar saat ingin bentuk badan bagus tampa ke gym?
Dance workout di kamar, asyik banget dan bikin happy.
Pakai alat olahraga portable kayak skipping rope atau resistance bands, bisa sambil nonton Netflix juga!

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