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by theintrovertgirl on Nov 16, 2022

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FITNESS & NUTRITION complement each other. To lead a healthy life it's important to take care of both these aspects. While Fitness is all about staying active, Nutrition is about what you eat, when you eat and how you eat.I intend to spread awareness and share with this community all that i have learnt over the years as a Fitness Coach and help people stay fit and healthy.

⏲️ Fitness

مش لازم تفتحيها فى الاكل على الاخر على أساس تبداى الدايت على نضافة اول السنة …… لو انت بتفكرى تعملى كده مش هتكملى شهر دايت وهترجعى تفتحو فى الاكل تانى للاسف 💔انت ممكن تستغلى الفترة دى لو انت ناوية تعملى دايت على اول سنة انك تبدا تظبطى مواعيد اكلك وتقللى كمية الاكل اللى كنتى بتاكليها بس لو عملتى كده هاكدلك انك هتعرفى تعملى دايت وهتقدرى تستمرى فيه #deit #تخسيس #healthytipsforhealth #تغذية #healthylifestyle #loseweight

laugh giflike gif


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commented 127 days ago


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Hi Priya, I hope you are doing well. Are you looking to change your lifestyle? what are your good preferences? are you a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian? Do let me know :) I'll be able to answer your query better.
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happy Holi
Happy Holi to all the ladies 🥰🥰
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Life's too short to waste your time and energy on stressing yourself up. Just eat a good meal, your fav food and be happy ❤️💖😌
Oh yeah just chill and enjoy every moment ☺️🥳
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The foods you eat affect the amount of acid your stomach produces. Eating the right kinds of food is key to controlling acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe, chronic form of acid reflux. Important - Many people with GERD find that certain foods trigger their symptoms. To identify your individual triggers, keep a food diary and track the following: -what foods you eat -what time of day you eat -what symptoms you experience.
Wow, your video is really helpful for us🥰

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